Recent content by newbie17

  1. newbie17

    Dually Wheel Fitment Help

    Hey Big Chip-Things are going great here in Texas-How is it up in the "RUST BELT"?
  2. newbie17

    Seized Brake Drum '78 C30 - HELP!

    The factory Service Manual is your friend.
  3. newbie17

    Dually Wheel Fitment Help

    No offense, but---YUK!!
  4. newbie17

    Engine oil cooler hoses

    Yes! If I go that way I will make sure NO DORMAN. I would not want an oil line to blow or even leak.
  5. newbie17

    Engine oil cooler hoses

    Thanks Rickf. Yep, many people think I'm weird for wanting to keep my vehicles(trucks//cycles) as close to original as possible. However!!!!! that being said, going for the AN braided hose and anodized fittings is looking pretty good right now. I have been in aviation for 56yrs. and I'm very...
  6. newbie17

    Engine oil cooler hoses

    Thanks BillK and AuroraGirl. That looks like my oil filter adapter and oil cooler. The (2) Dorman hoses are for 4WD-won't work. I called LMC to have them measure the one line they sell. They replied this morning- the line is P/N: 32-1860 and is 39" to the 90 degree bend and 3.5" from the 90 to...
  7. newbie17

    Engine oil cooler hoses

    Sorry for not providing enough info. 5.7L. Has the factory adapter.
  8. newbie17

    Engine oil cooler hoses

    Searched for old threads on factory engine oil cooler hoses-found one from 2012. Poster did not find an answer. It's been 9 yrs. Anybody ever find a source for these hoses? Dorman only sells one of them. (625-617). I need the (625-616) also. Same goes for LMC. I need both hoses. I know I'm not...
  9. newbie17

    1983 C30 Dually

    I like any "ton"!!!!
  10. newbie17

    Plastic Vacuum lines

    Thanks 75gmck25. I just got back from O'reillys. Found the Dorman 1/8" tubing. Thanks for the informative and fast response!!!
  11. newbie17

    Plastic Vacuum lines

    This issue has probably been addressed before, but a GMSB search was unsuccessful. Is there a source for the small (1/8") plastic vacuum line on the firewall? It runs from a rubber hose connector to the passenger side firewall grommet into the cab and supplies vacuum for the vent actuators.
  12. newbie17

    Vent window assy.

    Thanks Craig85. Yes, changing the complete assy. from a '83 C10.
  13. newbie17

    Vent window assy.

    Will a 1983 vent window assy. interchange with a 1985 assy.?
  14. newbie17

    Fan Clutch debacle, manufacture information

    Yes, I agree with SirRrobynO, nice , neat install and clean engine compartment. I like stock, no frankenstein stuff.
  15. newbie17

    cam change

    Thanks SquareRoot, I changed the cam 28 yrs. ago and I cut the vertical brace and welded it back in place when done. Been so long my memory took a walk!!!! Don't know why the Serv. manual said to raise engine. Thanks wazzadakka94 I will be cleaning the inside.

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