Recent content by Juan Cano

  1. Juan Cano

    AC delete panel

    Late to this party; a couple questions. Where does the tube from the Blower motor go to? Does it just get plugged. And all the cable connectors from the evaporator, what happens to those? See pictures. This is a 1986 C10 Truck.
  2. Juan Cano

    RETRO-Mod: Jeep intermediate steering shaft

    I didn't see the allen screw but will check, thank you. I decided to buy the more expensive Borgeson too, a more experienced friend told me to not mess with a steering hack.
  3. Juan Cano

    RETRO-Mod: Jeep intermediate steering shaft

    I SOMEHOW screwed up this swap. I bought the part, both ends fit but I thought the column would stretch out more.... and it didn't!! It's short like 3/4". Sigh. I must've bought the rworng one. I already drilled a hole on one end so can't send back.
  4. Juan Cano

    Leaf Spring Install Advice - Won't line up, shackle angle

    Geez that would've been so much better!!! The axle kept moving back then I would push, then it came off the jack, LOL!!! Thanks!!
  5. Juan Cano

    Leaf Spring Install Advice - Won't line up, shackle angle

    Thank you for all the tips. Yes the axle had moved the driveshaft back (I had no idea that could happen). I pushed it forward, wrestled with the whole situation in the 90 degree sun for a couple hours, and now the spring is all back together fitting right. I have torqued all the bolts after...
  6. Juan Cano

    Leaf Spring Install Advice - Won't line up, shackle angle

    Thank you for that info, helps a lot. The shackle, I looked at photos before I removed, and it's closer to being vertical than slanted forward (like the one I installed). I will adjust it. I just installed the other shackle and made it more vertical. What a royal pain to install.
  7. Juan Cano

    Leaf Spring Install Advice - Won't line up, shackle angle

    Hello, and thanks in advance for all the sage advice. 1986 C10 2WD 8FT Bed I decided to remove and refresh the rear springs based on advice from the shop that did work to my front end. I got through all the insanity of removing, removing bushings, etc. Wire brushed the leafs and painted them...
  8. Juan Cano

    Hard accelerator pedal

    NP! It seems that perhaps that is just how the Edelbrock carbs are, stiff. I should just be happy that the truck runs and shifts well and stop looking for nit picky issues.
  9. Juan Cano

    Hard accelerator pedal

    Yeah, maybe is just the way the eddy carbs operate and I am just being a cry baby, lol!!! Thanks for the post.
  10. Juan Cano

    Hard accelerator pedal

    Update: I replaced the vacuum cap, not with tape but a proper cap. I removed the throttle cable from the linkage and the cable moves easily, so is not the cable housing. I will read more on the springs, although it is hard to move the linkage with the spring disconnected, so I don't think the...
  11. Juan Cano

    Hard accelerator pedal

    I wasn't being cynical, sorry if it came across that way. I replaced the vacuum cap!
  12. Juan Cano

    Hard accelerator pedal

    Update: Fixed the vacuum plug. Also unhooked the accelerator cable from the carb, and it moves freely. It's more like the lever as it pivots is hard. This lever seems to be connected to the accelerator pump? I may be overthinking this and should just be happy that the truck runs well; who cares...
  13. Juan Cano

    Hard accelerator pedal

    Wow, thank you so much for so many ideas to test. I will work on them this week. And yes, the pedal has always been hard. It's only hard at first, then it moves well. Now it sounds like dirty bedroom talk. And yes, probably comparing it to a 2021 Kia is not fair.
  14. Juan Cano

    Hard accelerator pedal

    Well that was worth the post!
  15. Juan Cano

    Hard accelerator pedal

    Hi; have noticed (and wife noticed too last weekend) that the accelerator pedal is hard to push. There is no soft start to the pedal, so sometimes if you are not being careful, you push it and truck lunges forward because you gave it too much gas. This has an Edelbrock Carb. I removed the...

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