Recent content by Craig Nedrow

  1. Craig Nedrow

    A Technical Comedy [Only After the Fact]

    Every vehicle I have has a hidden set of keys, problem is finding them. So Kelly where you located. I am near Naches or Selah.
  2. Craig Nedrow

    Update on my Ignition Module failure!

    Yeah, I have run points, and while I still have engines with points, like the much hotter spark of electronic ignition, Pertronics has been good, but I run MSD on all my small and bbc engines. Yes I have a brand new one in a box I bought from ebay, it did not work, but could be sent back to be...
  3. Craig Nedrow

    Frame & undercarriage advise!

    Here is a link to the 73 and what it took ME, not you to do what I did, starts #164, can just scroll by the text and look at the pictures.
  4. Craig Nedrow

    Frame & undercarriage advise!

    My 85, used Duplicolor, go here: post 8. On the 73, used chassis saver, also rust converter. before and after K20 frame, chassis saver.
  5. Craig Nedrow

    AFR gauge installation

    I did the same install, go here start on post 108: An amazing tool to tweak your carb, which I run, (Holly 4150.)
  6. Craig Nedrow

    BBC 489 build

    The oil pan has some nice hardware, and is double bolted, so bolts cannot loosen. I think this is a pretty engine, but pretty is what pretty does. Spring has sprung so very busy with the ranch, but determined to check the valve clearance this week, and will show how I do it. That will allow me...
  7. Craig Nedrow

    BBC 489 build

    Took oil pump apart, and dim. look good @ .0015, and also applied breakin lube to shaft. BTW The breakin lube is oil dissolvable, and mixes with the oil, and will drain out with the first oil change. The clay was about .300 thick, this is the clearance between the bottom of the pan and the...
  8. Craig Nedrow

    489ci tow build...

    I installed the AEM gage right in my stock cluster. Yeah, we all like the results...
  9. Craig Nedrow

    489ci tow build...

    here is my 489 build, not budget, but middle of the road. For what you want to do, cam, Elderbrock air gap, these headers have been great, fit and never leaked. This cam is a inexpensive choice, 114 lobe separation, slight amount of...
  10. Craig Nedrow

    BBC 489 build

    Finally received my exchange timing chain, this time a Cloyes Street roller with adjustable keyways. It also has the cutout in the back of the cam sprocket for the included thrust bearing. All in all a good looking piece that has the right tension. HOWEVER... the timing was not correct, spent...
  11. Craig Nedrow

    BBC 489 build

    Pooh, timing chain that I replaced the Howard cam, (it was way tight) was a Summit brand, and made by SA gear, just like the Howards cam one....also way to tight. Sent back and waiting on a Cloyes.
  12. Craig Nedrow

    Who needs their TH400 rebuilt in Northern Nevada?

    And that exchange right there is exactly why I am here, couple of good guys, generous with there time and expertise, just awesome!
  13. Craig Nedrow

    Wiring Harness? Choosing one?

    American Auto Wire harness for the 73 K20. I got the kit as it has all new switches, sockets, connectors etc, all things I was going to have to replace. CalSgt is right, stock is good, but at almost 72, time is waistin' away. All new electrical is soo nice. I have several crimpers, but my...
  14. Craig Nedrow

    Shifter Knob

    We love ya AuroraGirl.
  15. Craig Nedrow

    Gas in Oil!?

    I am a Holly fan, and never have trouble with the engine starting even when setting for extended periods of time. Not so on the Q-jet on my other truck, few day and have to crank a bunch, I just keep a can of starting fluid in the engine compartment.

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