OK Here's what I found. I took some pics of the temp gauges but they are pretty much irrelevant so I wont bother posting them. Installed the new switch, ambient air temp of about 80 degrees. I run NO thermostat simply because I was having heat sink issues with my carb and the headers with no carpet/no a/c made the truck miserable to drive with an excessively hot engine on the trail.
So after about 10 minutes of idle the fans kick on right at 200 degrees just like they're supposed to. I figured after 3 minutes or so of running they would kick off, which after 3 minutes of running, according to my mechanical temp gauge the engine was indeed cooled down to around 150 degrees. (The advertised "off" temp is 185F) They NEVER kicked off. I also took the truck for a short drive a couple miles up the road and back and they never kicked off. Running temp during the ride was 175-180F.
The temp switch for the fans is located in the front of the intake in the water passage, and the sender for the gauge is about 1.5" away in the water neck. Since I am running Vortec heads with headers installing it in the head is not an option. I'm wondering if with some run time the "off" side of the switch will "loosen up" and finally start working. I even tried lightly tapping the switch with the end of a crescent wrench to see if that made a difference, it did not. I'm not sure if it is the Hypertech brand or if I need a bigger radiator or I should swap locations of the switch and gauge sender but according to my gauge it SHOULD have shut off 30 degrees warmer than it was running. So I DO NOT recommend this switch for this setup.