Today has been a good day for the truck.
1. Replaced the starter first thing this morning. It was under lifetime warranty so it was free of charge.

This time I shimmed it a little bit and it starts MUCH quieter now. The other one probably needed shimmed as well which is probably why it went out so soon. oh well!

Today was one of the FEW days I've ever wished I had manifolds over my headers. The headers are almost in the way of replacing the starter
2. Took the boys for a ride. the first one of 2013. I took the two older boys for a ride first then the little guy on his very first ride in the truck

He loved it!! After we got the starter in and fired the truck up my wife said he perked up and gave her a huge smile. He must be my son
3. After rides I gave it a good bath in the driveway.
All i need to do now is change the oil and drive her. I'm hoping it stays dry most of this week. If it does I'm hoping to drive it to work a couple of times and get out the cob webs

I haven't driven it since November so it needs to stretch it's legs a bit.