My oldest grandson called Tuesday evening said his truck was leaking antifreeze and couldn't tell from where. Told him to bring it over in the morning, we'll see. He got here, we pressure tested it and found a leak on the lower pass side at the ATF cooler fitting. Took it out, cleaned it up and took it down to John. John is an old guy(not as old as me) that has a one man body shop here in town, been here for 35 years or so. Any way tell him to fix it and call me, this was about 1:30 afternoon. Called me back at 4:30, said come and get it! Went down, picked it up and asked "how much". John says I'll give you the "good guy price".....$20!!!!!! He tells me that I always gave him "good guy prices" when I did things for him at my shop. I gave him $40, would've paid more somewhere else!! He said this radiator is in good shape, it's a big 4 core and it was easy to work on. Will get it back in today and hope for the best!!