Did my pre winter tune up: Plugs, Cap & Rotor, Oil change and spray down the carb.
I have put off the cap & rotor for way too long so I finally decided to replace them. I found that there was a slight oily residue all over the electronics, reluctor and springs. So I used Carb cleaner and sprayed it all down a couple of times. each time blowing it all out with the compressor. after 4 times it looked pretty good. So then I carried on with the tune up. Had to reinstall the coil twice because the first time I forgot to install the ground strap in the new cap

lol I wasn't all that amused at the time though lol.
But holy crap she runs so much better!

Not sure if it was from actually cleaning the distributor or from having a new cap & rotor? maybe its a bit of both. New plugs always help too.
Not even kidding I bet I have at least a 20% increase in power. Its funny cause I was thinking about swapping out Distributors cause I was starting to think that the Ignition Module was starting to fail. I still may swap it if that oily residue returns
Anyways she runs way better and I am glad I finally got around to tuning it up.