Ya 4:10s rock! I would like to find a FF with 4:11s These damn 14SF axles just keep dropping on my lap lol but I want a FF
Could of grabbed a set 10 bolt and 14FF with 4:56s for $500 last year, and Im kicking my self cause now thinking back about it they were probably Dana60 and 14FF cause the guy didn't Know much about them and Im thinking they were used military axles, Damn it! I should have bought them. Oh well
Yeah these are in 1/2 ton axles so they are kinda hard to find - especially the 12 bolt. I asked the guy if he had looked at the ring gear to get the ratio and he said no. He says "I looked at the wheel size and read the rpm's at 55 and went online to get the ratio". OOOOK. I asked him if it had a posi in the rear and he says " I don't know". Ok. IT will be pretty interesting to say the least. I do not have my hopes up.
BTW these are in a 84 truck which never came stock with a 12 bolt rear end. He wasn't aware of that fact until I told him.
You should have grabbed those axles. You only make that mistake once. I did the same thing once also. I was looking around for an engine to put in my truck. A guy had a BB 427 that needed put together. I ran the numbers on the camshaft and about crapped. He was building a 66 ZL1 motor with 650 HP.

Yeah I was DD ing my truck. I couldn't afford to put Cam 2 racing gas in it every day. Yeah my son was shaking his head when I told him about that. If I knew then what I know now I would have done it.