I was with my brother when "they" took his '89 K5. Broad daylight, and parked maybe a hundred feet from the parking lot where we were showing our cars in a car show at a big hotel in Long Beach, CA. One minute we were there getting food out of a cooler, the next minute we were back to get something else and there was just a giant empty parking space. Could get the PD (CHP, LBPD, etc. to even answer 911). That was it, gone. Just the bare metal shell from the firewall rearward was all they found of that truck about 3 days later in Compton. It was still on the frame and on a different set of wheels. Transmission still in and a trail of ATF lead up the street to the house full of Compton residents who'd stolen and stripped it. All of our belongings were in the house. Of course no one there knew anything about it, and it was all just a big case of racial profiling.........riiiiiight. The pictures of that truck in the wrecking yard made me cry. That was a super nice Blazer.
Anyway, let's talk about these collars. I don't really care that given enough time, large pry bars and PCP that they could be ripped off. Hell, nothing's gonna stop a flat bed or a Repo truck. I just want to stop the "normal" routine of a smashed window or slim-jim, and a screwdriver pounded into the ignition switch. I just want something that says, "This one is going to be too much trouble."