Thank you. That is the type of information that I am happy to have. I simply don’t know when I look at something is it salvageable or do I need to replace it. Thanks again for the help.
Depending how much you’re doing yourself, your penchance for little time consuming mini projects and your final goals, there is ALOT of simple stuff that takes time but not much money. Like your door panels. Drivers one is toast obviously, but the other 3 look better.
Rather than buy 4 new matching ones, you could get 1 or 2 used any color from a scrapper and re paint them all to match.
Just one example of $100 out of pocket and some reasonable manholes vs $1000 out of pocket instant solution could work well.
Regardignthose little door strap pieces, I was so surprised when I saw them. I have 2 good ones, one useable and figured I’d just have to swap them to the more popular plastichrome versions for a matching set.