I picked up 5 Jip Shafts last week. Already shipped one off, and getting another ready tonight. I knew there were 2 types of these shafts but so far I had only seen 1 type until this batch. I got the 4 separated OK as I have others in the past, but this one other type that I was hoping to use for myself, seems to be a real bitch to get apart. I've worked on it for over half an hour and it's still not budging. I thought it might have looked a bit more heavier duty, not that it needed to be, but just so you guys know.... If you get to a DIY wrecking yard and you have your choice of the 2 types, I'd go with the more common type. I also noticed the 2nd type doesn't have the stop up top at the dampner like the common style has.
Common Style. Took about 20 minutes to separate all 3 of these.
2nd, More Uncommon Style. I can seem to get this bitch separated.