Vacuum Secondary like a 4160, make sure it has the secondary block (adjustable) and not the plate non-adjustable type. Mine had the plat, so I bought a secondary metering block and I like the vacuum secondary's, better fuel mileage generally speaking. Also highly adjustable. I watch my A/R fuel gauge, and I will be running mid 13's a/f punch it, and hold, and the gauge reads 12.7-13 even. I just changed to this, big improvement. Today, we have aides (A/F monitors), that can tell you what is going on. Now that I have one, it's not a stab in the dark. If you had a gauge, it would probably show a very rich 11.8-12.5 range. If so, go down four steps on the primary's. Pull off the secondary metering block, and go down three from whatever is in there. Fire it up, and test it. Sorry so long, but go buy an A/F ratio gauge and put it where you can see it. Mine is incorporated into the stock dash, almost looks stock.