Hotrod that's sucks but you liveand learn from experence, after the first time i was screwed it's hard to trust people without proof but being he was my friend he showed and told me everything he knew and let me bring it home and mess with it before I paid for it
Yes it really sucks for my bro. He always takes me to look over vehicles for him. I looked at the first 4 he looked at for $800-$1000 and I said NO to every one of them. One looked stolen, reattatched VIN plate, broken wing window, popped ignition, duhhh !!!, another didn't run, but even cranking the motor I could hear the rod knocking, etc etc, so I had to work the next day, and he went and looked at this one by hisself without me. I actually think he got pissed at me cuz I turned all those other ones down for him. He paid $2500 for this POS, then called me all excited, heyyyyy come look at this ElCo I bought. I said when I have time, bring it by someday. So he's working on it 2 nights later and I go over there to help him find why its backfiring out the carb. I check for vac leaks and could hear spark ticking at the back of the motor, so I thought maybe a crack in the dizzy cap, and its arcing and bouncing spark around in the cap. Told him to get a new cap and put it on. Then he insists I go for a ride. We hit 2 stop signs and I said, you don't have 1st gear in this car.

He says huh? I said count your shifts, this thing takes off like a sled cuz its in 2nd gear taking off. So he stops and I told him put it in manual 1st gear. He did, the car would not move. Just made a screeching noise from the trans. Sure enough trans is junk. 2 days later he calls me up says the oil light came on, he stopped and put 2 quarts in it, then on the way home, a rod started knocking in the engine. He wanted to know why since he shut the motor off immediatly when the light came on. It appeared to me, the motor had the rod knock when he bought it, the guy had put like gear oil in the crank case to thicken the oil to cover the rod knock. When my bro put 2 quarts of 10-40 in it, it thinned the oil and the rod knock became aparent. Then of course found the rust while taking the motor and trans out. My bro got it rigiht up the corn hole pretty bad on that deal and he knows it. Sad crap that there are lowlife losers out there like that.