I like the move the needle idea, but am open to doing it the right way also. The truck has had a trans change AND a tire change. It may also have had axles swapped on it, but that i tend to doubt (Why in hell would you swap IN a pair of GM 10 bolts?) The speedo error cheat sheet came from an online calculator site whose origin I can't recall. And to add to the fun, I got pulled over by the Frederick Co. fuzz yesterday evening while enjoying my new gauges

Believe it or not he was taken enough with the truck that he let me go with a "failure to obey a highway sign" slap of the wrist. Which ain't bad considering he clocked me at 60 in a 45. I was showing 50 on the speedo at the time. The new gauges are Waaaayyyyyy easier to see, both day and night, even with a third of the sockets non-functional. White LEDS all around for me