Hello guys & gals. I hope everyone is well.
FWIW, I had an experience back in my younger days on a '75.
Just in case you have this situation, the pot metal on the steering column by the switch screw had run over when it was cast. The thing looked almost as if there was no slot to push in the lock tab to release the complete switch core after removing the screw. IIRC as it has been many moons ago.
Just an FYI in case you might encounter that.
I lways say when looking through my spare bolt containers looking for a certain bolt, nut, spring, etc... "If there is one there has to be another one." and I usually do find 2 or 3 extra of whatever I thought I would not find.
Now as Rusty Nail said to Dave15 in Austria after everyone gave input on his problem...
"We'll send a bill or you can buy a bumper sticker.

Or buy us ALL a beer as long as it is not a light beer.
Best wishes to you and all of your loved ones always!