I hope every time either of you go through a real deep puddle you remember to check your diff fluid.
That's how funny you two sound.
I never check or change my differential fluid unless it's leaking or I have a reason to go in there.
My post was related to some comments about the cut-down ring gears failing which some suggested was from the removal of material and I thought it may have more to do with people driving their uber-manly rock crawlers on the highway 99-94/100% of the time with an aftermarket diff cover. Because, you know, that tin cover the factory put on isn't studly enough to be seen past the truck nuts.
If you actually watched the videos you'd see that slow speed off road isn't an issue and an aftermarket cover may have it's benefits, but if you intend to drive to and from Moab at highway speeds that's where they fall down and probably fry your bearings or gears.
But by all means, carry on as you see fit. I wasn't trying to insult your maintenance schedule or your engineering.