Need a step stool that will stay in place, instead of moving when you're trying to get down..... BTDT.
Ok - here's my story:
When I was a development engineer at the DPG I worked for a ruddy Irishman named Dan M. His wife's name was Barb, and she was as wide as she was tall (which wasn't very much).
She had a hard time getting up into these full size trucks, especially 4wd, so the boys made her a little step stool so she could climb up.
Only problem was then the stool was stuck. So they added a rope with a knot: she would throw the rope up in the truck, climb aboard, and then hoist the stool into the passenger compartment.
I was describing this sequence of events at the dinner table one night and my son, probably 6 at the time, said: "yep - that's a long ways for fat ole' Barb".