You're exactly right. I can honestly say, I know a little about alot, and alot about a little, and I've learned hella lot here in the last 2 years.
And that is one thing this forum has always been steered and geared to do, is to allow everyone to speak their experiences or ask questions no matter how dumb, and when someone is wrong, they can be corrected like an adult in a proper fashion. Not put down or called stupid etc. I've been wrong about **** plenty. Partially due to been a long time since I dealt with some of it, partially because of newer technology, partially because I was told or taught wrong and I'd expect to be corrected. Noone wants to make an ass out of theirself passing bad info no matter the reason.
Point is, we are here to teach and learn without being put down. Kinda tough to keep patience at times on some matters but still, we're not pirate4x4 and not going to be.
Why the owner of that forum allows what they do there, I have no clue, but I think they run off more members than they have regulars, and the sad parts is, it's only a handful of guys who do it. If that went on here, they'd be perma banned and IP addy's blocked.