Theyre only gunna be old for so long lol
The one's dog bit me in the arm while I was trimming the bushes one time. Neighbor lady watched the whole damn thing and said nothing. Then she came over to my house the next day (while I was at work) and told my wife "if your husband tells you that my dog bit him, it's not true".

Crazy ******* bitch.
And I never even made a big deal about it! I told my wife, but I didn't even bitch at the neighbor (or shoot her dog like I wanted
The other neighbor read me the riot act one time because my dog pissed on one of her bushes. "My late husband planted that bush for me! It's special, and your dog's going to kill it!"
My dog ran by and marked it ONCE while we were playing frisbee.
So I'd whistle at my dog any time it got near that stupid bush.
6mos later, she had her landscaper cut it down. Lmao....
Not quite as special as she said, eh?
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