I've done 2 LS swaps now, one on an 86 C10 and the other on my 86 C20 Suburban. On the C10 I used a new factory Denso/GM compressor
https://a.co/d/aTxtnen part number 15-21177, on the suburban I used the GM Genuine Parts 15-21127 which is a larger capacity compressor from a 2001 Suburban. Now depending on which motor mounts you use, you can use the stock LS compressors mentioned above with only a little trimming of the front frame rail.
These motor mounts are what I used
https://tejassteelworks.com/product/squarebody-ls-motor-mounts/ , they're cheap and the engine seriously falls into place with them.
Tejas SteelWorks has a pretty good guide for LS swapping a squarebody.
The other parts you should be able to find from someone parting out these trucks local to you. You will want to buy a new evaporator, condenser, acumulator(drier), and heater core while you're at it. As far as the custom AC lines I followed this guys guide for which fittings etc I needed from coldhose.com, coldhose can make the lines and has the Denso/GM style compressor fitting adapters. Let me know if the link doesn't work and I'll try to copy and past the fitting part numbers and line orientation needed.
Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. I have a youtube channel where I have attempted to document how I have went about doing these swaps. Here is one that shows the motor mounts and frame mods for the compressor.