Well I lost the best paying job I ever had for not agreeing to move to LA. I regret the first part and nothing else about the decision.
I also understand there’s not any other places in the country to do what you do for a living full time likely. Except maybe Santa Fe, NM.
That said, IMO there’s really only 2 good options for someone who needs a vehicle daily to make a living and survive.
1, if you’re going the old bomber cheap vehicle/antique/ whatever route, you need at least 2 of those vehicles so you have a backup.
That’s how I got through the first several years from 16-20y/o.
Or 2, you need to dump the old bomber (or keep it) and get a reliable car. End of story.
Since physical space is at a minimum and your job is at stake according to you, I’d save the money spent on a old oil soaked engine, sell the old truck (pre 75s should go quick and decent money as a roller in Commirfuckya) and go get a decent truck.
You can still roll in a soon to be classic Chevy.
But if you don’t have the time, space and means to constantly fix an old car then you need one that is reliable and runs.
Sounds blunt but these trucks are nothing special or rare yet and won’t be for a long time imo. Can get another one when you have the means.