If it is early 700r4 it will have a vacuum switch for tcc control, but trans side of wiring and brake switch should be same
Ok so just to make sure I am understanding this. the power from the ign. is brought though a normally closed circuit which is tied into the bake circuit somehow. (therefore allowing power to pass under ign. on and no brake applied, but will break power when the brake pedal is pressed)
Then the ground is supplied from the ECM or Vacuum switch (depending on age).
So I can get under there with my tester, ign. on, probe those two wires, Verify one is getting power, then I could cut the other and run it to a grounded switch underneath my dash to bypass the ECM or vacuum switch all together. (this is assuming the valve in the transmission is infact functional)
Or I could correct/replace the broken or not working ECM (if I could find one) or vacuum switch (also assuming the valve in the transmission is functional)
If the valve in the transmission does not click when I ground the second wire then chances are it needs replaced or investigated.
side note: Drove it into work this morning and it did alright for normal driving, only got to the half way point on my gauge so I believe it to be 180 it was also only 34 outside this morning so I really need to get this torque converter locking up before it starts warming up.
Also I am wondering if there isn't something else wrong in the transmission which is adding to the heat build up. but first things first this needs to be locking up right?