It sounds to me like the turbo was never the issue and didn’t come apart. Therefore no pieces to go into the intake and damage anything
Anyone who knows 6.2’s and have started them know that if ANYTHING is wrong with them compression wise, fuel wise, or anything they won’t start. The barely want to start on a 60 degree day. (A little exaggerated but you get the idea)
white smoke on a diesel isn’t automatically coolant. If it smells sweet and you’re loosing coolant, odds are it’s coolant. But it’s starting fine so it’s not putting water in a cylinder from a cracked head or head gasket.
completely unburnt diesel fuel will smoke white. Either from no compression (doubt it with his case) or injection timing (see where I’m going here?) I don’t claim to be a master wiz on these fuel pumps, never actually had one of these apart in my hands, but there is a timing advance unit built into them and I’m wondering(betting) this is the cause of the problem.
if it starts fine, odds are all 8 have good compression(no catastrophic damage to bottom end). Loosing coolant( don’t know from description yet, but that’ll rule out head or gasket. As will the smooth start and no hydrolocking)
check these things out and report back.