I don't think you have to worry about the connector coming off just because the retainer clip is broken. I'd wrap it in a little electrical tape if you are worried.
*Or rubber cement works great and you can't use too much.
No distributor pix but its no matter. Bound to be an ignition timing ?
Try a 14mm or 9/16 combination wrench to loosen the distributor hold down bolt ever so slightly.
Best thing you can do tomorrow is find the tan wire with the black stripe coming out of the firewall about 11 o'clock and unplug that connector - let it hang and turn the truck on.
Now that you have the distributor hold down bolt loose, turn the distributor to the LEFT, or COUNTERCLOCKWISE ever so slightly - to bring the idle speed down - ever so slightly - see if you can find the right spot to turn it to having sat in gear holding the brake.
See if you cannot force a change THAT way. Gotta pull distributor to install engine, now ive gone from cracked head (it still is though) to advanced ignition timing.
The fan is still too far into the shroud

AND that water pump is WAY past too old to be playing in the big leagues of the GMSB.
Looks OE to ME. You simply must replace it too.
But the good news is that you can use water now until u get it fixed, you dont gotta spend anymore coolant.