perfect idea, that would solve the problem indefinitely, think im gonna have to take it off and do that....spent a few hours..literally..and no luck, obviously they were way out prior to taking the carb off and therefore i was able to get to it.
got truck to idle barely with the screws as they are (2.5 out).. some black spit out the exhaust, just a little.. easy to see because of the snow, probably did that before i took off the carb too, also, it did backfire a bit at the time around 4-5k rpm. that has ceased since i took carb off and set screw at 2.5 out.
no black smoke, just white, fair amount as i put a little sea foam in the oil.
I want to get a timing light and check that out. is it possible that p.o. backed out the screws so much just to get it to idle in order to account for bad timing?
something with my choke that im not seeing? it shuts and slightly opens as i get it warmer but i dont have time to look at it really and have no one to help me out