Recent content by mrghostwalker

  1. mrghostwalker

    Stereo Question

    Does anyone have a Dashmate AM/FM/8 track in their Square Chevy? I believe they were made by Sears. I was wondering if they fit without modification.
  2. mrghostwalker

    Does anyone use Gear Venders unit with TH350?

    Originally I was looking to swap in a 700r4, which I've used in other trucks. The tranny expert I spoke with told me my present tranny (HT350) is stronger than the 700r4, and a better fit for my truck, since it has larger tires and I want to be able to tow with it. He told me the overdrive would...
  3. mrghostwalker

    Does anyone use Gear Venders unit with TH350?

    I was thinking of replacing my TH350 with a 700r4, in order to make my truck more highway friendly. Since the TH350 is a stronger transmission, I may install a Gear Venders overdrive unit instead. Can anyone share they're experience with the install? My truck is an 83 K20 with a carbureted 350...
  4. mrghostwalker

    Searching for a modern sound system

    How about keeping the stock radio and plugging this in-line?
  5. mrghostwalker

    1978 k10 radio patch panel

    I had the same problem. Fortunately I have a parts truck with the same color dash. So the dash from the parts truck was sliced and spliced into the build truck. A few pop rivets and once it was all back together you can't even tell it was cut.
  6. mrghostwalker

    Normal operation of 4wd

    Not being a transfer case guy I would defer to someone who knowns better than I do- which is not at all. I would have my local repair shop take a look at it. They can at least tell you if it's seized before you make things worse. I picked up my 83 K10/20 (K10 cab, K20 chassis and drive train)...
  7. mrghostwalker

    HT350 and Overdrive Question

    I'm running 33inch tires with a 350 engine. It looks like I'll just get a heavy duty 700r and do a tranny swap.
  8. mrghostwalker

    HT350 and Overdrive Question

    Yeah, my research shows that a build 700r costs a little less than a Gear Vender unit!
  9. mrghostwalker

    HT350 and Overdrive Question

    I'm running a 350 engine in front of my ht350 tranny in my K20/K10 and was wondering if anyone has used an overdrive unit with the HT350? If so how strong are the overdrive units?
  10. mrghostwalker

    Looking for AM/FM Radio

    If anyone is still looking, I got one on one of the facebook squarebody pages. I reached out and someone had a radio lying around. Got if for a good price too.
  11. mrghostwalker

    Finally, something without a computer under the hood.

    Thanks for the heads up Midnightmoon. I just subscribed to Uncle Tony's page!
  12. mrghostwalker

    Finally, something without a computer under the hood.

    Computers are one of the reasons I got my 83 K10/20. It drives me crazy how modern cars and trucks have gotten complicated for no good reason! I don't need four different ways to change the volume on my radio! If I want to make it louder I'll reach over and turn the knob- I don't need buttons on...
  13. mrghostwalker

    BFGoodrich or Cooper?

    I've run Cooper AT Discoverer on a 95 Jeep wrangler, an 83 K-5 and now on my wife's 06 Jeep Liberty. I'm a big fan! They are great in the snow- an issue where I live- and on the highway. The K-5 wore 33 inch tires and looked damn good!
  14. mrghostwalker

    Hacked up stereo opening repair - '81 Scottsdale C10

    I had the same problem with my 83. I noticed the edges for the dash were in such a way that by slicing out a section of dash from my parts truck I was able to replace a section of the old dash in such a way that it doesn't show the repair.

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