Recent content by Craig A

  1. Craig A

    GM Square Body Forum Decals

    Sorry for being MIA everyone. It's been an interesting 18+ months. I'll be back up and running shortly.
  2. Craig A

    GM Square Body Forum Decals

    If anyone is wanting decals, just PM me. I took down the website because I didn't see the point in paying $25 a month. I may build a new one in the future, but it may be a bit.
  3. Craig A

    GMSB Forum T-shirt Available

    I'll have your shirts in the mail on Wednesday! (I had to reorder orange HTV)
  4. Craig A

    GMSB Forum T-shirt Available

    I don't do hats, not yet anyways. I'm slowly expanding my side business and will eventually offer this. - Craig
  5. Craig A

    GMSB Forum T-shirt Available

    At the moment there is the one design. I have it on my list of future projects to expand to several designs. - Craig
  6. Craig A

    GM Square Body Forum Decals

    Hmm, must have changed something when I was doing some website maintenance. Good looking out! Here's the working link: - Craig
  7. Craig A

    GMSB Forum T-shirt Available

    JPEG, TIFF, whatever format is fine. I can convert it on my end. As long as it's not a Photoshop file I will be able to use it. Thanks in advance! - Craig
  8. Craig A

    GMSB Forum T-shirt Available

    If someone has a design they would like on the shirts, I can oblige and adjust the design. - Craig
  9. Craig A

    GMSB Forum T-shirt Available

    We now have GMSB Forum t-shirts on our website: Choose your shirt color and then tailor your taste with your choice of logo color. The shirts are Next Level brand and are an extremely comfortable cotton/poly blend.
  10. Craig A

    Supporting Members PM me for your complimentary forum decal

    Supporting Members, Here's the info I need from you so I can send your forum decal: 1. Mailing address 2. Color of decal you want The free decal is 7" x 1-5/8" I'll get your decal in the mail ASAP once I get those two things. I also have decals for sale on my website if you want another...
  11. Craig A

    GM Square Body Forum Decals

    GM Square Body Forum decals are now available via our website: The decals are available in 20 different colors and three different sizes: 11.5", 7", and 4" Custom colors available upon request.

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