check this out.
Gotta admire the dedication to the project! 1994 ranger, could be yours for $8000 :banana-mario:
I think you're overcomplicating this. Flare the existing metal lines and run fresh metal lines or AN call it a day.
I wouldn't remove a cooler, nice to have such a thing.
great place to start. Nothing is more annoying than a car that is just too loud. Not fast, not cool, not sweet, just annoyingly loud. Since I moved to the country i have yet to hear another loud ass forking car haha.
Gorsh I'm glad i never had to emission test my rig. I'm going to put on a cat on it eventually. But def going to cont the removal of all the other emission stuff.
When i lived in GA the people doing the testing were just regular folks that had a license and the machine.
All they cared about is if the computer screen said pass or fail.