Appreciate the update! Yeah. That's one thing I miss about having fog lights... Though there's no moisture, fog, or snow where I live now, they'd still be useful for things like you mentioned, as well as navigating in tight areas off road.
I have a dimmer switch that's getting pretty toasty when I drive with the high beams on for long periods of time... should probably change it before it toasts some wires or terminals, as I do use my brights a lot. Fortunately, I never got around to mounting this one on top of the column when the original dimmer switch welded itself together 15 years ago, so it'll be easy to swap out... should get off of my dead ass and install it properly.
The only switchback LED's I like are the ones that magically switch back to incandescents

The park/turn signal optics on 1983-88 Squares, both single and quad headlamp models, are excellent with stock bulbs. While you might be able to find a LED replacement that will work adequately, you won't gain anything by doing so. Jus sayin' ...