Another question:
Is there anything else that I could make the door strap out of, that would somewhat resemble a factory strap? I know you could use just about anything but I'd like it to be conceivable that this improvised strap was factory.
The reason is, I don't like the prices for all that. I've spent a lot of money fixing up the truck, and I don't mind spending when the value seems to be there. But the door pull strap situation is badly overpriced. It will take around $80 just to get two new straps on the truck, the way it was from the factory.
Maybe it should cost half that for both straps and caps and everything installed.
So I figured I'd just buy the chrome caps for $25, and source all the rest myself. Washers, screws, and the pull straps. Maybe that way I don't have to bend over just to get some basic interior parts that should be inexpensive. Not when I can come up with some other way.
Found this, might be a great substitute but I'm not sure if it fits: