Apologies for the dumb questions if they keep coming across that way >.<
So replaced the compressor and got everything back in place there. Even found one of the compressor mounting bolts and rattled loose at some point. While installing the new one I found it and saved a trip to go buy another one.
I went to the accumulator to replace it and noticed that the one they gave me has the R12 port still. Just to confirm this is expected and the retrofit kit I purchased should thread onto the two ports on the accumulator and that is all of the nozzles that need to be upgraded, correct? The SureBilt retrofit kit I bought from AutoZone shows that the Schrader valve needs to be removed from the lower port of the accumulator. Did I buy the wrong conversion kit or do I need to grab a tool to be able to remove that valve (and which valve is the lower one?)
Last question - I got a flush kit to use so just wanted to verify my steps -
1. Replace compressor (done)
2. Flush lines from end to end while components are unplugged. Using air, then the flush solution, then air again (correct?)
3. Change both R12 fittings on the accumulator to the R134a fittings using this conversion kit I bought -
4. Hook both the compressor and accumulator back up
5. Run vacuum pump on the system to check that it can hold vacuum
6. Recharge system with R134a
Does that all sound correct? Sorry for the newb questions again