first i just wanna say your post of this tranny build is a great piece of work. that kind of info is priceless. i spent the past two days building my th350. had my laptop on the bench and followed your build step by step. i can't thank you enough for all the hard work to produce. if your ever in east TN. let me know and i'll buy you lunch. the only concern i have is the 1-2 accumalater spring, someone cut about 4 rounds of it, i have a car tranny i got the output shaft out of, its a newer lockup tranny i was gonna use the spring out of it but its much weaker the wire its made of is a lot thinner, much easyer to compress, also my kit didn't come with new sealing rings for the piston, the book i have say's if the rings are made of teflon not to remove. you said installing the piston would be tight, but it slipped in without any effort. i would really like your advice on weather to use the light spring or the cut spring or go get a new one. before in install tranny in truck. MIKE