It's only a 15mm socket (9/16) and a pair of 3 inch extensions on a ratchet.
Prolly gonna need a floor jack and a piece of 2x4.
I don't think it'll be bad for you at all..it'll be fun, i'm kinda jealous in truth..having to make another trip to (wherever) for something else would suck air too though.
No pressure!

It's very straightforward. A #2 flathead and an 8oz. hammer for the lock ring..same screwdriver for the hose clamps..
Could ya use the spare to take up slack? It's just a ****** piece of bulk 3/8 rubber fuel line not four inches long , you'll see it split easy and it will be a huge relief - simple to fix.
Don't sweat it too much.
I disagree with my friend however, and do not believe the side of the road is an acceptable spot for preventative maintenance and I sure as hell wouldn't touch anything unnecessarily or take any gas out I didn't have to...it's too late for that now lol...I would much rather do it ALL again at home. BUT! There's a lot more room under there than you think...I dont know about your Blazer but I would be trying to drop the tank on top of a spare tire if I could. It's a loooooong way up there from the dirt! and you could likely pass your spare tire underneath the truck - use that to your advantage, it's your workbench.
You really only have to drop one side to get the sender out but the lock ring - the straps hang from one side, driver?, put the tire over there to hold the gas weight and put the jack on the other side (of the tank), that's the side you work from. Passenger I believe.
Dont gotta take the tank all the way out, we're only after the sender okay? We just need that part from the tank, it's not hard to sneak by. The flag time to change one sure aint much. Half an hour? One hour.
Dude! A screwdriver, a hammer, and a ratchet.

Three tools.
You got the jack and a piece of wood?
Four tools, one hour.
Safety first kids!
We're gonna need some pictures of this alleged "round eye" Blazer while you're at it btw p.s.