There is a ton of information on this web page to search basically you clean it a zillion times, use the correct degreasser and correct activatior and paint in multiple coats starting light to medium light then a semi heavy flowing coat over the entire piece. best if you can hang in in a clean envirornemtn without any wind. I painted all of my plastic on a painters rack I bouth but I did every piece of my Blazer, plastic and vinyl.
EDIT: USE Cheap Throwaway vinyl / nitrile Gloves to keep body oils off of plastic when handling and wiping down with the degreasser as well as painting.
I used SEM products - SEM Soap with Grey Scotch Pads to clean, SEM Solve for degreaser, on plastic you have to select the correct activator ... one for ABS and one for Olfins (and everything else)... to determine which plastic you have take a tiny bit of acetone and place on a hidden piece of the plastic, if it does NOTHING ... it is Olfins ... if it starts to "Melt" it is ABS. Knowing the type of plastic will allow for the correct activator. Each requires a different approach to apply the first light coat of the desired color. pult light coats on first then follow up with heavier coats followed up by a nice flowing coat.
I recently ordered a new cowl for my 1991 Jeep Cherokee, so a Chrysler It appears to be plain plastic, it's black. What should I do to prep it for paint? My old one warped in the summer sun, and I was able to find a new one from Mopar. The new one was actually the same price as sourcing a used or Repop one from Dead Jeep.