Mr. Clean is an extremely avid automotive enthusiast, as are all the regulars and even irregulars on this site. You do have a very pretty truck, and I, as I'm sure many, would love something like that if it were more proximal, and maybe it is for a certain member or members in the Piedmont, Mid-Atlantic, or eastern Industrial Midwest areas. I think it's simply important for us, increasingly so with tenure, to make sure that information and experience are the chief commerce of this site. Some people do join simply to attempt to liquidate parts or vehicles, and their presence and contribution immediately fizzle out once they succeed or fail, which I find transparent, and I know others do, too, and grow increasingly tired of it. I won't suggest that you just came here to try to sell stuff because that would be a premature and unfair judgement, and you're clearly an adept builder/restorer with a lot of stuff on your hands. The forum is really what you make it. Personally, I like interacting with people who like the same stuff I do. I like to share what I learn, know, or think I know with people who haven't learned it yet, and I like to learn from the folks who are more advanced than me in skill and knowledge. I'm not trying to detract from your thread or ride a high horse, but I'm just saying that whether someone posts about the half a Datsun they own or the two airplane hangars full of antique cars and trucks they own, the collective mindset of the forum is pretty uniform. And I do hope you benefit from and contribute to the forum, as many members do daily. You have a lot of nice stuff to share. Welcome.