The right side tank on My 79 { it is currently off the truck} has two lines for fuel, one 3/8ths for to feed the fuel pump, one 1/4 inch for a return and the center one, 5/16ths, is for emissions.
My pickup has no emissions installed as it is the heavy duty version and so, the center, emissions port has a breather on it.
The biggest forseable problem with the original sending unit is, the sock on the suction pipe, has probably got holes wore in it and or, possibly even split wide open, Mine are.
I got new ones from Summit Racing, item number "K405 sending unit filter screen-3/8ths", the problem with the new sock is, how do You keep it from falling off of the pickup tube ???
I cut all the old sock, right flush with the crimp, I used a tapered hole reamer to slightly enlarge the new socks attaching device. I thought, what the heck, they are crimped on, and so, I stuck a tack weld to it, to the original socks flange. Well, the new ones are glued, the heat softened the glue and so, I held it in its original position, until the glue reset, turned it over and tacked the other side, repeat the holding. I now have a new screen on the pickup tube of the right side fuel tank. I`ll do the other side affer I get it pulled apart.
And, Chengny is absolutely right on keeping as much of the original OEM equipment as possible, it fits, it is calibrated and there is probably not a thing the matter with it.