How did you calculate, obviously your using purchase price to miles per gallon but how did you calculate miles per gallon saved??
There's no accurate way to nail it down, too many variables, but let's say you drive 15,000 miles per year, get 10 mpg, and pay $3.75 per gallon. That's $5,625 for one year.
Ok, so now you install a GV overdrive and pick up another 3 mpg cruising at 65 mph. If highway driving was all you did your annual fuel cost would drop to $4327... a savings of $1298. But the problem is you're not driving at 65 all the time. Any miles on surface streets or in stop-and-go traffic eliminates the advantage of the overdrive. So that's where the question "what percentage of your driving is in high gear" comes from.
For me, I figure no more than 30% of my time is at freeway speeds, mostly rural two-lanes around here, so again, the od isn't going to pay for itself as quickly...30% of the estimated $1298 savings is $390. And to make matters worse, I don't drive anywhere near 15000 miles per year. Over the last two years I've averaged less than 2000 miles so I have to take that $390 and divide it by 7.5 to reflect the miles I drive for an annual savings of $52. A GV unit is something like $3300 plus tax, so figure $3500 out the door. $3500 divided by $52 annual fuel savings means the od will pay for itself in 67 years. Again, my miles driven is small so the numbers are skewed, but you get the idea.
There are benefits to a GV overdrive that can't be quantified though. If I understand it correctly, the supplied computer does all the shifting in-and-out, so a Th400 like mine effectively becomes a six-speed transmission with no input required from the driver. Drivability would be greatly improved...but is it worth the money?