So I got out yesterday morning but the wind was giving me troubles... Found some more time today to work on it, and for some reason my welder is acting up or something
I'm not exactly sure whats up with it, it just doesn't sound like its arcing right...
I could be fooling myself though, because I've been using the ones at school this week. (top of the line and perfect booth conditions)
I did my best by turning it up and it seemed to flatten out the welds quite a bit more. I almost thought, too much, but "Meh" haha
I'm at the point where I need to get this done before the 9 months of rain starts... I welded up the front side again and finished the backside. This time I only ground down the peaks of the welds, so therefore leaving a lot of meat still on the frame.
after which I welded the bottom 2 cracks. it was quite difficult welding upside down, so there not pretty at all... just so I dont have to worry about it, I cut out a piece of 3/8" steel heated it up and bent it to shape. It will be placed on the bottom of the frame for support. I know its pry unnecessary but I don't ever want to do another repair to the steering box frame in the future haha plus it didn't take long to do...