Anyone that pickets nuclear power should visit a coal fired generating station. At one point the plant was burning a mile long train of coal a day, you have to see first hand how much coal that is to understand. That was before unit 4 was even operational.
I got to personally see how much coal went in since I was running the dozer that pushed it in as well as haul the waste. My truck hauled a 100 ton payload and I averaged about 20 loads a day of "fly ash" we dumped into our designated waste pit. I did this day and night for years, its still being done today. Some miles away a lake is mysteriously being poisoned with mercury and its all down hill from our dump site.
Not to mention, the fact that coal is radioactive, something a lot of people don't know about.. No amount of scrubbing will take the radiation out of it.. My dad worked in a particle accelerator, where they were required to wear badges that checked how much radiation they were exposed to. They were getting some high readings, and were investigating what was causing it, they were concerned about a breach in the lead lining, etc.. What they found was that he forgot to take his badge off when he left the building a couple of times, and walked past the coal fired heating plant, which was setting his badge off with FAR higher readings than the accelerator was allowed to emit.
BTW, granite top counters are radioactive as well, and emit more than most nuclear facilities are permitted to allow out of the reactor core. Some requirements are so stringent that BACKGROUND radiation is higher than what they are allowed to have, therefore, it is completely impossible to get the radiation that low, and no plant can be built there. The problem with radiation numbers, and exposure is that people have no idea what the numbers mean, and because they don't understand it, they go overboard in hysterics about levels that are so low, that you get more exposure from sun bathing.
3 mile island is a prime example, all that happened there, was some coolant water was vented to the atmosphere, actual exposure was so minimal, the fact it even made the news should be hilarious..
The other main factor to NOT running hydrogen, the oil companies are delaying hydrogen all they possibly can cuz once the technology is perfected, you're right, the oil companies will be severly hurt, but safety is the other issue of why hydrogen is NOT being run in cars today. With a hydrogen tank you are literally driving a bomb and a very minor traffic accident can kill several people with the explosion. IF ever they can make it safe, its ON cuz the technology to power engines with hydrogen has existed for several years already. Just got to make it safe and its good to go.
Well, gasoline is basically burning hydrogen, that's what we are doing, burning it off, and leaving the rest go out the tail pipe. Let's face it, gas is a stable medium to store hydrogen in.
I'm kinda excited about the bacteria they came up with to essentially turn trash (which usually emits methane on it's own) into gas, as in pump gas.. It's incredible, these bacteria break down trash and basically poop out crude oil.. Now, this is an emerging technology, but think about all the landfills we have, and how much gas that could be turned into..
I think storage in gas form is a loser, because there is no way to safely have pressurized fuel containers in all our cars.
Now, if they can make these fuel cells fast enough to flash water into hydrogen, I think that would work..
Bottom line, if nuke power were more available, the peak oil concerns, and co emissions would be very low, cars are frankly not the biggest consumer of fossil fuels.
If nuke power were more available, batteries may become more viable as well.
Then there's the "E-Cat" cold fusion deal that is just coming out. If that guy turns out to not just be a fake, and a trickster, this will change literally everything about energy.
My dad worked on cold fusion experiments in the 90's, he had some results, but since they could not reliably replicate it, they just couldn't say they had it going. This guy claims to. According to my dad, the guy is indeed a real scientist, one he's heard of. If he's lying, his career is over when it is found out, no one will ever fund anything of his again. This wouldn't be the first time a scientist has fooled himself either. But, the guy is claiming 4 killowatts in an hour off tap water! If this is true, again, the whole world will change.