Appears you are getting plenty of voltage out of the alternator.
The battery seems to be receiving and holding a charge - system never goes dead/truck always starts.
But the following would indicate it is getting weak (maybe add DI water to the cells?):
I turned the engine off, and my windows are taking a whole 60 sec. to go up or down. I start the engine and windows start to work normal speed.
Since system voltage looks good, the way the wipers, heater blower and H/L's are behaving makes it sound like you have a system grounding issue. The noise from the blower is probably just due to old age - worn motor bearings maybe.
Check the main ground connections.
Pull the cable connector clamp off the battery negative - clean the post and inside of the clamp.
Follow the cable to where it bolts to the engine (usually the alternator bracket). Remove the bolt. Clean the terminal faces (both sides) to bright metal with emery cloth or a Scotchbrite pad. Clean the underside of the bolt head the same way. Use a wirebrush and clean the threads of the bolt to bright metal.
Also check the cab to engine ground strap:
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Clean and tighten the connections and bolts on both ends.