Questions you need to answer for yourself:
-What is the AVERAGE RPM you will be running at?
If you are going to be averaging around the middle third of your RPM range, then a smaller carb will provide better response at the expense of the top end. If you are going to beat it like a rented mule, look for a larger CFM capacity.
-Are you one who is comfortable adjusting timing, carburetors and anything else on the engine and transmission? (changing carb brands may also require new TV brackets)
Personally, I prefer the Holley for the fine tuning I am comfortable doing on a regular basis.
There is nothing wrong with Carter, Edelbrock or Rochester. If this is a daily driver and you aren't flogging it regularly, rebuild the Rochester and purchase some metering rods and arms to fine tune. A good parts person at a GM dealer should be able to cross reference the older engines with horsepower ratings to conclude with a Rochester number, then pull down the list to research the jet size, rods and levers...... this will get you very close to the base, not just the ball park. Spend a bit of book time looking at others' combinations and see what works; money is hard enough to come by without unnecessary spending.