OK, so now you're talking about the out of round. I wouldn't even worry about that it's so minimal, chances are its not from wear, it's probably from torquing the heads. For those who aren't aware, most motors will have cylinders go out of round a bit during break in period. Only way to get around it is to use a torque plate when you have block bored, and they usually charge about double to do that. What a torque plate does, it mimic the bolting down of your heads. So put this peice of thick steal over the head surface with big enough holes for your bores and the bore tool to get into, then they torque this plate down using your head bolt holes to the specified head bolt torque, maybe even more. This should pull the cylinders out of round as if you bolted the heads on, then they do the boring of the block. This ensures your cylinders will stay round after you'd bolted your heads on. It's an added expense but for high dollar motors, or race motors you should do it. Trick is, is to finding a shop that even knows what the hell you'll be talking about and if they have the torque plate for your motor.