If you want a specific cam picked out, I can do that too. I can pretty much tell you what it is, what it will do, and how it will perform. I'll look a couple up. I do know the H268 Swims is talking about is not a bad cam at all, but I don't recall it being a bumpity cam. It's a fairly smooth idle if I recall. You probably wouldn't want to run the cams I've ran in the past in small blocks. They were like 505 lift, 310 duration on 108 Lobe Center, or a 525 Lift, 312 duration IIRC. Those are radical in small blocks

and you can see the gas dripping out the tailpipe at idle, with a 750 double pumper carb. I'll look at a couple budget cams, since obviously your buddy is trying to cheap out if he's not willing to pull the intake. And I'll respond to that in your next post with quote.
Yes, he's being cheap. He has literally no money. He just went through bankruptcy, got kicked out of his home by the bank who wouldn't deal with him, and they auctioned it for $30k, when he was willing to pay what he owed, but couldn't at 22% interest they just one day decided to jack his rate to. His son bought this car, and it began running funny, and they opened up the rocker covers to find a couple of them barely moving. At first, I suggested maybe the bolts holing the rockers had gotten pushed up, since they weren't pinned, but he looked at it more, and says the pushrods aren't moving much either, so bad cam, or collapsed lifters..
So, he's thinking if he has to replace the cam anyhow, he might as well get the best one he can for the $$ and he has an even worse problem with walleyevision than I do. I at least kinda know I want to keep the lift below what the Vortecs can handle, if I can get a straight answer about that, which you guys gave me. Thank you.. .465 I know best cam for just driving with decent power is gonna be lower end rpm, and those don't rumble too much.
But, he's got dual exhaust, and even a littl rumble should be noticable with that.
So, I am seeing quite a few lower rpm (below 1900 range) cams and was just looking for some suggested good ones..
I thank you all for any help, I am sorry if I sounded like I was not appreciative.
I just kinda know the direction I wanna go, part of my toruble is the stupid sorting layout of Summit's website.
But there's also the problem where there's like several hundred cams that fit this critera, and well, which one is best?
Yes, I know the guy is cheaping out, and being abit unrealistic, but he's just not able to spend much money. He's not knowlegable enough to do head work, and doesn't have the $$ to pay someone else. If the cam bearings are shot, etc, he's done, he can't afford to rebuild the engine, and will look for a junk small block to just run til he can get the funds together to rebuild it..
I'm just rying to help the guy, I've got a bunch on my plate too, so I can't really take on the job of building his engine for him either right now..