I dont have any pics of them. The guy said they are rectangle port heads which makes me think they are 3919840 heads and I can see how they could mistake reading the 3 and 9's for 8's but I'm not sure I gotta go look at them in person. If they are 840 heads are they still worth that money. They have been ported and polished as well
I would be real careful... first of all, square ports are not as friendly on the street generally speaking. They flow best at higher RPM. The fact they are ported... umm there's room for concern here.
If you're porting Square ports, what are you doing? What are you trying to achieve? You're already dealing with a high rpm design, so what are trying to increase flow and port velocity? This is what is generally the goal. I can tell you this, larger valves(exhaust for sure), open the throat below the valve seats to vertical walls, hog off and/or narrow the valve guide bosses, and match the ports (which are not as bad off as generally speaking sbc heads, any casting).
So what I'm getting at, is usually porting will have the goal of producing more power as rpm increase. So the square port is already a better head for high rpm power (compared to oval port, of course).
Sounds like a lot of $ for heads that may not be the best for your application. Or maybe you actually want to shoot for 6-700 hp beginning around say,
5500 rpm.
I will recommend 781 heads, shaved. Thick solid bronze valve guides, not the cast guides with a bronze liner. If you want to port them, even without hogging out seat for larger valves (exhaust 1st priority), you can still open the throat and grind down as vertically as you can and narrow off the valve guide bosses cast into the ports.
I know these heads even with larger exhaust valves and the recommended porting will produce more torque providing compression and the right cam.
I'm not so sure this can be achieved with square port heads. Flow velocity at lower rpm is just superior with oval port 781s, lending to better street torque.
Hope this helps..