You bring up a good point. That would lead me to believe it's going to be something controlled by the ECM. Most directions and monitoring do not take place until the water temp has gotten hot enough, and then the system goes into full closed loop operation. This is why it's important to know the that Temp sensor is not failing which Retro suggested. Things like TPS and VSS are monitored the second the truck is started. At any rate, I don't consider myself good enough with TBI, as there are others here much more fluent in TBI and TPI so I"ll let them walk you through this. I think TBI is supposed to be 14-19PSI fuel pressure IIRC. I'd still check the fuel pressure both cold and hot if you can. You may have a fuel pump that is thermally failing. Meaning it's getting hot, then weak. Rare but it does happen. Also, does it run any better with close to a full tank? Hate to have you fill it, then have to empty it if you need to drop it. But, this could help keep the pump cool if that's the issue on the heat, and if it's the soggy rubber hose which is not likely, it should be able to suck plenty of fuel. But, if it runs good on a full tank or close to a full than, then you pretty much know the problem is in the fuel tank.