It sounds like ignition module totally but if that does not fix it try a couple things I have encountered with my HEI.
There is a ground strap, small flat piece of metal that goes from the outside of the metal part of your coil down through the plug part of your plastic distributor cap. That is the ground, its easy to lose if you are not paying attention. I managed to lose mine at one point and it was a headache to diagnose. The truck would start and run, and sometimes it wouldn't.
Other thing that will kill your spark is the knock sensor system. If there is a pigtail coming out of your distributor with 4 wires your truck has the system. When the system ***** out on you the truck will lose spark. The fix is easy, the system is not even needed. All it does is detect pinging caused by low octane fuel and retards the timing a little bit. You can pull the plug, cut two wires on the distributor side and splice them together to eliminate it. I cant remember which two wires you splice together but its easy to find online.
As far as your plug wires, I highly suggest the Accel build your own kit. I purchased 3 plug wire sets by different manufacturers for my 85 and for whatever reason there was always one wire that was too short. You can find a crimper on ebay for like 10 bucks, after the set I got for my big block I am never going back.