Lol.... wtf Mercury LYNX?
Ew. I thought we were talking about pretty cars...
The car runs....okay. WAY more peppy with the new knock doesn't make a lot of sense to me though.
Granted I am SERIOUSLY HUNG UP in the SeS light. I know that it is sucking the life but probably not as bad as the ancient and uber crusty O2 sensors WHICH arrived in the mail and throw no code.
Also granted that I KNOW there is a ***** u-joint abortion going on that kills the remaining useable power.
Whatever is/was left is in the brakes I believe. That will prove Verrrrryyyy interesting when I finally get there. I need a focking emergency brake handle VERY bad. There may be a transmission thing - too early to tell on Day 24.
Oh yeah. The t-stat has been leaking since the A/C got fixed. The gasket blew. I told you it runs too hot...
The fan switch is working good though.
I kind of wanted the a/c fixed so I have that fan control.
Can't ******* fix it fast enough. Stupid thermostat housing.!
Want to go somewhere? Gotta pay the one gallon water toll .
First .
All of these things together are holding the Helen down but I know where they live.
I have the tools, the knowledge , the willingness AND the money.
What I don't have is the time. I break my t-stat bolt and get scheduled six days a week. Super stressful with the broken bolt..

Everything else is behind that...
My priority gets fixed SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! Until then there are three gallons of water in the car at all times.
It sucks.
Sucks knowing the next time that I work on it? She's actually going out of service by my own hand.

I feel terrible!
BUT Hay No pressure!
I'm going to touch it with a wrench and break MORE ****...I can't wait.
Don't I have another Tuned Port intake though right?
Yeah I do but It's an '85...I already thought of that...
SO how is it running?
Okay...i'm still stretching her out.

I like your return line idea but sluggish isn't the right word..Helen likes me.
So does Punky Brewster - I found out today and she IS playing hard to get. Even I am going to have a seat!
You think that story's over but it's ready to begin...(Paul Revere)
Helen should peel out farther ... I can steer it straight and i've got the balls to stick in it...but I think the wheels should keep spinning haha. That's how it's running!
****** 2.77s are killin me.
I believe these repairs are coming together into a great crescendo, like in the Waltz of 1812. It's all Very exciting.
I'll tell yous a car insurance story LATER. (It's still in the making but it'll be GREAT!)
I like tellin you guys stories...