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  1. D

    Blower motor high clicks on and off

    Tried a new switch and it works like a charm. Good thing too because the temperature dropped and I needed the heat! Thanks for the help.
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    Blower motor high clicks on and off

    Hopefully as that's easier than tracing wire. What makes you say that though?
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    Blower motor high clicks on and off

    Since getting the truck with a nonworking blower I’ve fired the parts cannon at it, multiple volleys. The system has a new blower motor, with all the ground connections cleaned because that was a problem. Also new relay, and new switch in the cab. Was thrilled when I fired it up and all 4 levels...
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    Confusing info on tightening spindle lock nuts

    Thanks, I thought I'd searched thoroughly but hadn't looked in the right places. appreciate the patient nudge
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    Confusing info on tightening spindle lock nuts

    77 Sierra Grande 3/4 ton with floating axles. Just redid the drum brakes and now staring at the hub pieces going huh. I have two spindle lock nuts and the tabbed washer/lock thing that goes between them. Watched videos and read where people tighten the first lock nut to 50 foot pounds while...
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    First drum brake job, 2 questions..

    First, have a floating axle I took out so I could take my drum off, don’t plan on redoing any bearings, should I shove grease into any parts of the axle hub before putting it back? Second, I can’t figure out how to get the spring on the replacement self adjuster I bought. It’s a really tight...
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    Odd delay going into gear

    Have a TH350 transmission. Recently changed transmission oil pan, gasket. Also changed out the kickdown cable as it was leaking where it went into the case. Here's the problem - when cold, going into reverse or drive from park it won't immediately go into gear, then when I tap the throttle...
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    Undertightened cork gasket on TH350 and whole thing flooded, clean and reuse?

    Update. Spent a good deal of time flattening the pan and hammering down the bolt holes. Reinstalled the pan with the Moroso metal core gasket and tightened them incrementally and staggered to 6.5 foot pounds. (Moroso emailed me and said to tighten between 80-90 inch pounds, so I figured 6.5 foot...
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    Undertightened cork gasket on TH350 and whole thing flooded, clean and reuse?

    Previously used a Moroso metal core gasket with a new steel pan and overtightened it. Decided to try a Mahle metal core cork one instead as I read cork is more forgiving. Took the time to hammer down the bolt holes and flatten the steel pan and then unfortunately was gunshy about tightening the...
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    Replace seals on power steering gear box on truck or bench?

    Welp I effed it up. Gouged the inside of the housing good removing a seal, probably a millimeter deep. Guess time to gamble on a reman box.
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    Replace seals on power steering gear box on truck or bench?

    Good point, don't need to be dripping poaer steering fluid on my face more than necessary. Thanks Prairie, I don't mind getting a tool even one time use to save a headache. I thought about just doing the whole bix but then the first video I watched with all those ball bearings coming out I...
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    Replace seals on power steering gear box on truck or bench?

    Pretty much what the title says. The power steering gear box on my 77 Sierra Grande is leaking at both the input shaft and the pitman arm, gonna put new seals in this weekend. Any reason not to do it on the truck? Main thing I can think of is getting it on the bench will make it easier to clean...
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    Rain running down metal ramp along cowl onto firewall, thoughts?

    Just ordered a new seal. Easy $22 improvement. The water was getting in just above the fuse box where it goes through the firewall and also through the bolt holes for the emergency brake. Thinking of just slapping seam sealer on the firewall side and knowing I'll have to dig through it should I...
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    Rain running down metal ramp along cowl onto firewall, thoughts?

    Only had the truck a year and figured out during the latest rain that a cabin leak is from this spot where water consistently runs down a metal ramp like piece at the sides of the cowl. My first thought is to clean up the rusty areas where the water goes and slather it with sealant.But the...
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    Fixing vapor lock now that I barely made it home, experience with 3 port filters?

    It's a trailering special but has a 350 SBC in it. I thought the same about the weather, I'm not exactly in Texas in July. But it does run okay after sitting for a couple of hours. My temp gauge isn't working right now, but I do have an infrared so I'll keep that in the truck for next time. If...
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    Fixing vapor lock now that I barely made it home, experience with 3 port filters?

    I got parts to put in a return line off the mechanical fuel pump. I did put a new module on it 6 months ago as part of a distributor rebuild kit, which of course could've been faulty. I know I put plenty of the heat sink goop on it, but yeah, if this return line doesn't fix it I might fire up...
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    Fixing vapor lock now that I barely made it home, experience with 3 port filters?

    Update, not a huge one. Still dealing with a fuel starvation issue, haven’t had a lot of time to do work but have some new information. The first time I had the problem I’d driven the truck 30 miles, sometimes at freeway speeds, then let it sit for 2 hours and tried to drive it back. It was...
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    Steering wheel for 1977 era C25, bonus if in Portland, OR area for pickup

    Need just the steering wheel for my 1977 GMC Sierra Grande, would prefer to pick up from someone near Portland OR than pay shipping.
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    Fixing vapor lock now that I barely made it home, experience with 3 port filters?

    Thanks for all the ideas. Haven't had time to work on it because of the holidays, but I did drive it around town running errands without issue on Monday. There was none of the jerking/engine cutting out at all. But then I noticed something else, when I blip the throttle under the hood the upper...
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    Water leaking from under dash near the brake pedal.

    1977 GMC Sierra Grande, after a heavy rain is always water dripping down the rubber flooring to the left of the brake pedal. Is this more likely coming in at the window seal or one of these openings where the hood meets up?
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    Fixing vapor lock now that I barely made it home, experience with 3 port filters?

    My fuel pump is only a 2 line so would need to replace it with a 3 or add a filter with a return line. The sending unit has 3 ports. I think I do want a return line, any difference whether I replace the 2 line fuel pump with a 3 or add a filter after the pump with a 3rd port?
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    Fixing vapor lock now that I barely made it home, experience with 3 port filters?

    The quadrajet has a filter in its inlet. I was more looking for a way to reduce vapor lock by keeping the fuel cool by sending it back to the tank rather than just sitting in the line behind the carb. I'll have to look at my mechanical fuel pump. I installed it months ago and don't remember a...
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    Fixing vapor lock now that I barely made it home, experience with 3 port filters?

    Took the truck on its longest drive since owning and sorting it, 60 miles including some freeway time, and on the way back the power started to drop out in surges and I had to limp off the freeway and the rest of the way home. Surging kept getting worse and right before I got home a backfire...
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    Thank you post to y'all.

    Came onto this forum months ago for help because the '77 GMC Sierra Grande my neighbor gifted me last November was dieseling when I shut it off. At that point I was new enough to know nothing about carburetors or distributors or timing. I didn't even know what I was hearing was called dieseling...
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    Replaced stock radio with an amplifier and now turning on headlights turns it off

    Electrical amateur here, getting that out front. Hooked up old wires that went to the stock radio to an amplifier. Only change was there was a ground wire going to the old radio and no spot on the amplifier for the ground, so just let that hang free. Figured it was just a wire grounding to the...

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