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  1. D

    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    New mechanical fuel pump that I replaced when dealing with fuel line issues. I think I made it worse by raising the idle some so that's good info, but before the curb idle was all the way out, which is odd. How do I check the throttle blades with the carb attached?
  2. D

    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    Alright, def have the timing set at 12, checked it today. And I took a video of the dieseling complete with vapor? shooting out the venturi. It didn't thunk twice in this video but it did the previous time. I also had screwed in both idle screws then backed them out a total of 3 turns to get the...
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    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    This is helpful, and I've figured out some of this from watching videos. I'm realizing my fast idle cam might have a problem as when I pull on the throttle linkage or press the pedal the choke doesn't snap shut. It'll shut if I take hold of the fast idle cam and move it back into place. That...
  4. D

    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    Got to work on the timing today and though I had success in accelerating the timing from somewhere below 0 (my gauge doesn't go down) to 12, I fowled up my choke messing around with the carb and it's stuck open. It seems that might mess with the timing since it's full open. I'll try to get video...
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    Assessing rusty engine...

    Awesome, thanks. Obviously I'm learning, but having a good time. Is it worth brushing off the rust and treating it you think?
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    Assessing rusty engine...

    Been working on a 77 Sierra Grande that was gifted to me, so free aside from the sweat and cash I put into it. It runs, but the engine is pretty rusted on the outside and I'm trying to assess how deep to go into dealing with the rust. Short version is I'm not experienced enough or ready to take...
  7. D

    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    Sea foam in the fuel tank and I sprayed carb cleaner into the venturi while running. Got a timing light and going to have a go at checking the timing. Harmonic balancer is rusted all to hell but it has a groove in it which I'm assuming is the mark for timing.
  8. D

    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    I’ve already been reading up on it and have some things to try, but wanted to rope you all in for the benefit of wisdom and experience! Just got the fuel line fixed so my 77 Sierra Grand fires right up. If I idle it and turn it off this issue doesn’t happen, but if I even drive it around the...
  9. D

    Trying to get fuel to my engine, a novice's saga...

    Replaced vinyl fuel line and bypassed the tank switch solenoid, blew out the fuel line while it wasn’t hooked up to anything, and the truck fired up faster than my 07 Mazda! Thanks all for the help and support. Now on to the next problem, which I’ll start in a new thread.
  10. D

    Trying to get fuel to my engine, a novice's saga...

    Great. That'll do the job nicely. And yeah, I don't need to accumulate more things to fix.
  11. D

    Trying to get fuel to my engine, a novice's saga...

    Fired right up and I drove it around the block back to my driveway. So now just need to clean out the fuel line back to the tank, which is new. I have vinyl line to replace the old rubber and I'm going to bypass the switch for now and see if I can everything running consistently. I do understand...
  12. D

    Undercarriage cleaning advice...

    Getting a 1977 Sierra Grand up and running that was gifted to me. It spent plenty of time sitting in weeds and its undercarriage is grimy, oily, caked on dirt, I'm sure you've all seen what I'm talking about. Eventually I'll do a thorough job of it, but what would you all do first? Just go at it...
  13. D

    After market seatbelts are expensive... looking for other ideas

    Those aren't too bad and after reading people's posts I can see there'd be issues in using seatbelts from a more modern truck in my 77. I don't want some rickety foolhardy setup, but if there was a safe cheaper solution I was curious. Mostly the truck is for runs to haul yard material, but my...
  14. D

    After market seatbelts are expensive... looking for other ideas

    Both driver and passenger seatbelts in my 77 GMC Sierra Grande are trash, the retractors aren't consistent and the belts are shredded. Rather than buy aftermarket belts I'm thinking of plundering a u-pull-it for some belts from a truck with similar cab dimensions (not expecting to find my...
  15. D

    Trying to get fuel to my engine, a novice's saga...

    This is smart and what I should def do next to rule out anything from the pump on up.
  16. D

    Trying to get fuel to my engine, a novice's saga...

    Thanks for all the responses. I did find out later I should have replaced the passenger side tank, but I did the driver side. The tank is new so unless I messed up and blew some junk into the tank with the compressor it should be clean. I'm going to replace the flexible fuel lines and bypass the...
  17. D

    Trying to get fuel to my engine, a novice's saga...

    Neighbor moved and gave me his 77 Sierra Grande last fall, told me engine runs great but thinks sediment from the fuel tank (truck sat a lonnng time) is clogging the fuel line because it only starts if you pull the fuel line off the pump and blow compressed air through it. Sure enough there's no...
  18. D

    Looking for tips on what else to do to give my truck the best chance of starting after fuel tank replacement.

    The truck technically runs, I drove it around the block from the neighbor who gave it to me last fall, but it kept stalling due to a clogged fuel line. Aside from that issue it's generally been well maintained, though with long periods of sitting. I'm finally getting around to replacing one of...
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    Fuel neck filler hose doesn't fit with new tank

    @Ricko1966 curious why you'd choose moving the position of the tank over figuring out a way to extend the hose @Strick I think I'm going to try using a longer piece of hose
  20. D

    Fuel neck filler hose doesn't fit with new tank

    Drilling to move the whole tank back also means extending the wiring and fuel hose to attach to the sending unit. I keep thinking there's something obvious I'm missing. Looking at options for modding the neck and fill hose. Any reason it needs to be stiff rubber and not something like this...
  21. D

    Fuel neck filler hose doesn't fit with new tank

    Thanks for the ideas. I checked on the frame for a different mounting location and the tank has just the two spots for the brackets. It's a head scratcher for me, but I'm definitely a noob as this truck was given to me and I'm trying to get it going. listed the 16 gallon as fitting...
  22. D

    Fuel neck filler hose doesn't fit with new tank

    Replacing 20 gallon fuel tank with a 16 gallon in 1977 GMC Sierra Grande and when mounted on the tank the filler neck doesn't reach the insert point. Trying to find a neck that's the right size and not having luck so far. Any thoughts? Picture for reference.

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