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  1. D

    Decent idle then bog and die in drive and given throttle.

    Sounds like getting a new kit with a new float is a good move then, thanks.
  2. D

    Decent idle then bog and die in drive and given throttle.

    I have a second rebuild kit on the way, this one from Cliff's rather than O'Reilly and it includes a new plastic float. Might as well rebuild it again and check everything at that time. I'd reused the nitrile float that was in there because it wasn't compromised but then I read that their...
  3. D

    Decent idle then bog and die in drive and given throttle.

    I was considering that but did you watch the video of the accel pump squirt? Seems decent
  4. D

    Decent idle then bog and die in drive and given throttle.

    Good question. It started after I rebuilt the quadrajet. Not sure it wasn't an issue before that as it's a newer truck for me. Pretty sure there's no vacuum leak as I've sprayed carb cleaner and propane all around the engine with no effect. Some people say I need more timing though not sure how...
  5. D

    Decent idle then bog and die in drive and given throttle.

    Idles well, have it timed at 12 btdc and mixture screws adjusted. When I give it throttle in park there's no issue, revs nicely, but as soon as it's in drive and I give it throttle it dies. Here's video of the problem and also video of the squirt my accelerator pump gives because it seems decent.
  6. D

    Anyone live in Portland, OR have a shop they like? Need to pass emissions…

    Only ever had a more modern vehicle they just plug into, so this will be a new experience for me. I know the quadrajet is a fairly emissions friendly carb, and I've read that retarding the timing and upping the idle while leaning out the air fuel screws is the way to go. That and getting it good...
  7. D

    Anyone live in Portland, OR have a shop they like? Need to pass emissions…

    Been working on my 77 Sierra Grande for a bit now. Rebuilt the carb, threw a bunch of parts at, got the timing decent, and it’s fun to drive now. But I’m worried I won’t be able to tune it to pass DEQ. SBC 350 with a Rochester Quadrajet on it, but this model doesn’t have an EGR valve standard on...
  8. D

    Stripped crankshaft hole with new harmonic balancer bolt.

    Helicoil did the trick! Was a tense hour as I left the harmonic balancer on the crankshaft while drilling and tapping to fit the coils. Cramped and hard to see, worried the whole time I was going to overcut the hole, but the bolt went right in afterward! Had my son use an old v belt with a...
  9. D

    Stripped crankshaft hole with new harmonic balancer bolt.

    Have the proper washer, even checked its size. Tried tapping it for the same size but the bolt still slipped. Currently waiting for the helicoil set to arrive and going to try that as a solution.
  10. D

    Stripped crankshaft hole with new harmonic balancer bolt.

    Interesting, what's the benefit?
  11. D

    Stripped crankshaft hole with new harmonic balancer bolt.

    What about just tapping it for the same 7/16 20 thread it is? I saw one guy on youtube do that and it worked. Guess if there's enough metal to "heal" the thread?
  12. D

    Stripped crankshaft hole with new harmonic balancer bolt.

    Easy job into nightmare. Have the balancer pressed on with the correct tool, brand new bolt all the way in, ready to torque it down. Have my son use an old v belt to hold the pulley/balancer against the torque, go to torque it, and the bolt pops and spins. Here's where I drank a big glass of...
  13. D

    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    Seems good advice. One of those projects where the problem keeps going one layer deeper! But I already have the fan off to get to the crank so it's not that much further to get to the damper, just drop the $70 and borrow the tool from Autozone. Then make a good timing mark. Then tune up the...
  14. D

    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    New information! Decided to check my foundation and used a piston stop to check tdc. In the picture the nicely outlined etched line at top if what I was using for timing. The two black sharpie marks are the two piston stop points and between them is a barely etched line that is closer to actual...
  15. D

    Old v belts vs new v belts

    This is part of trying to diagnose why my power steering pump pulley is slipping. When I took out a broken v belt from the alt and crank pulleys it was actually shaped like a v, fitting deep into the slot of the pulleys. I notice the new v belts I get from auto parts store aren't actual v...
  16. D

    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    Sprayed carb cleaner looking for a vacuum leak, found 2 spots where the rpm jumped around 80 when the carb cleaner hit. One is where the pcv valve goes into the manifold. The other is around the springs on the secondary throttle shaft on the driver side. pcv valve is brand new so maybe the...
  17. D

    Power steering pump failure?

    Belt is in decent shape and sure the pulley is pretty rusty, but would that cause the power steering to suffer? Also, realized I have this in the wrong section of the forum, sorry.
  18. D

    Power steering pump failure?

    Steering squeals and jerks at low rpm, especially when turning the wheel slowly. Was hoping the v belt was loose and tightened that. Then flushed the fluid hoping it was that. Still squealing. Could it be anything but the pump? Here's a slow mo video of the pulley stalling when the squeal happens.
  19. D

    This serpentine belt isn't what should've been in my truck right?

    Belt was thrown today and looking at replacements none have this v shape to the smooth side. Not only that but the belt had been installed w the v shape toward the pulleys and the textured side out. That's wrong yeah? Wanna make sure I'm not missing something.
  20. D

    Engine dieseling diagnosis…

    UPDATE: Dieseling issue resolved! Of course have a new problem. The engine seems to hesitate when I depress the throttle lightly. If I give it a good punch it goes fine, but it feels like it’s going to stall if I’m too gentle with the throttle. I’m hoping this is something obvious to someone...
  21. D

    Rebuilding quadrajet, stuck secondaries

    Butane torch finally freed the stuck shaft, now I can put it back together.
  22. D

    Rebuilding quadrajet, stuck secondaries

    Starting with the pb blaster, also wondering if they'll loosen up when I dip the bottom plate edit: so far no luck with the pb blaster or light hammering on the end of the shaft, it's pretty damn stuck
  23. D

    Rebuilding quadrajet, stuck secondaries

    Some of you might have seen my other thread on my engine dieseling. Decided to just rebuild and clean the carb before tuning and I'm glad I did as whoever did it before did several things wrong. This is my first time doing this but been making notes and watching videos. Got the whole thing apart...
  24. D

    What is this part?

    Which apparently I don't have! Thanks.
  25. D

    What is this part?

    What is the part bolted on the wheel well? This isn't my truck, but my truck has this with the rubber middle part ripped out! Hopefully not important.

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